The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Promote Autonomous Pronunciation Learning: Segmental and Suprasegmental Features Perspective

Senowarsito Senowarsito, Sukma Nur Ardini


The study aimed at investigating the effects of autonomous pronunciation learning using AI as well as the experiences of autonomous pronunciation learning using AI by higher level students. Explanatory sequential mixed-method research using both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed within thirty-two students from Universitas PGRI Semarang's first-year students serving as the sample. Assessments, interviews, and an evaluation of instructional materials were used as the instruments. Through pre- and post-testing, quantitative analysis was used to evaluate the students’ pronunciation proficiency. Quantitative data analysis was done using SPSS. However, a qualitative analysis was used to review the interview. To bolster the findings of the tests, it was descriptively examined. After the treatments using an AI based application named ELSA, there was a significant correlation between the use of AI and autonomous pronunciation learning. However, ELSA has certain shortcomings. It appears to be primarily concerned with segmental than suprasegmental features. Only intonation is available from among all the features offered to practice suprasegmental features. While students found it difficult to emphasize words, there is no other practice for suprasegmental qualities. In reality, the ELSA website states that its curriculum covers core English skills such as word stress, intonation, rhythm, listening, and conversation. As a result, the ELSA creator may take this criticism into consideration as they continue to improve their product. It implies that the creator is responsive to the concerns or suggestions of their customers or users, which can contribute to the ongoing development and success of the product.


Artificial Intelligence; autonomous learning, segmental features; suprasegmental features; higher education

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